Maps & Directions
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Maps & Directions

Grounds Map

Corp Grounds Map

Corp Grounds Map

Year-round map of Fresno Fairgrounds 

Driving Directions

From The South:
Take 99 North to Highway 180 East. Take the Cedar Avenue Exit and proceed south on Cedar. Turn left on Kings Canyon and head east. The Fairgrounds will be ahead on your right hand side.

Take Highway 41 North to Highway 180 East. Take the Cedar Avenue Exit and proceed south on Cedar. Turn left on Kings Canyon and head east. The Fairgrounds will be ahead on your right hand side.

From The North:
Take Highway 99 South to Highway 180 East. Take the Cedar Avenue Exit and proceed south on Cedar. Turn left on Kings Canyon and head east. The Fairgrounds will be ahead on your right hand side.

Take Highway 41 South to Highway 180 East. Take the Cedar Avenue Exit and proceed south on Cedar. Turn left on Kings Canyon and head east. The Fairgrounds will be ahead on your right hand side.

From The West:
Take Ventura and head east. As you cross Cedar, Ventura becomes Kings Canyon. The Fairgrounds will be on your right hand side.

From The East:
Take Kings Canyon and head west. After passing Maple, the Fairgrounds will be on your left hand side.

Public Transit

Use the link below to plan your visit using our local public transit options!
Fresno Area Express routes

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